My mixed media paintings, inspired by folk art, mythology, symbols, and nature, focus on the fine balance of extremes and everyday observations of life. My paintings contain images both figurative and botanical, while the surfaces retain lush colors and a rich weathered texture. I incorporate printmaking, collage, pattern, and text into the process, creating contemporary icons through a variety of media. I consider my work a meditation on the common threads interwoven throughout time.


I am a versatile artist and love working with individuals, families and businesses to personalize specialized pieces for homes, offices and products. I work in all sizes and feel that each piece I create has it’s own personality and story which enriches and enhances the environment it lives in.Process
Browse through my work and choose any elements, imagery, colors, patterns which you would like to incorporate. I am happy to paint unique pieces just for you; composing a gorgeous piece or series, incorporating images, text and symbols which personalize your story or concept.
Contact me and we will meet and discuss your proposal and basically compose your piece together. we exchange ideas and choose a size which fits perfectly in your space.
If needed I will draw up rough sketches and we can meet a 2nd or 3rd time before finailizing details, (size, price, estimated time period, overall composition).
Payments vary depending on the size of the piece, the range of materials, my labor and the difficulty of the subject matter.
Payment can be divided into halves or thirds, the last payment is due upon completion of the piece.
Please feel free to contact me with questions or to discuss commission ideas




“Sandra is a rare bird of contemporary art. She is exceptional in everything–timeless, ethereal, delicate, innocent and sensual at the same time, uncommonly original. Her chords of color are of an unmatched refinement: A smorgasbord. Paganini on the violin.”Angel Muriel Artist


the circleThe images in my work evolve from an observation of our physical world and my internal thoughts. Archetypes, Icons and mythological figures share space with childlike scrawls, poetry and graphic images. Interwoven, these elements convey a multilayered content partnered on a scarred yet sensuous surface.I paint, etch and draw both abstracted and figurative elements onto my panels. I like to combine techniques and play with mixed media. My work evolves spontaneously and intuitively and I welcome happy accidents.Taken for granted in the enormity of a falling leaf, a spoken word, the transience of life.
My work explores the reflections of duality: the connection between the past and the present, the beauty and the mystery of existence, the fluctuation and the balance of never ending cycles.


1989B.F.A. University of Illinois Chicago, IL
1983Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO


2018One Earth Film Festival, Chicago, IL
2017One Earth Film Festival, Chicago, IL
2016The Children’s School, Berwin, IL
2015Stephen Daiter Gallery, Gimme Shelter, Chicago IL
2013Artworks ADL, Chicago IL
2012The Children’s School, Berwin, IL
2009Heartland Alliance, Chicago, IL
2009Hephzibah, Chicago, IL
2009Heartland Alliance, Chicago, IL
2002Horizons for Youth, Chicago, IL
2000Horizons for Youth, Chicago, IL
1995Art Against Aids, sponsored by Weiss Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL
1994Art Against Aids, Chicago, IL
1993Art Against Aids, Chicago, IL
1993Target Choice, sponsored by Personal PAC, Chicago IL
1992Art Against Aids, Chicago, IL
1992Target Choice, Chicago, IL
1992N.A.M.E. Gallery, Chicago, IL
1992Happy Delpech Gallery, Chicago, IL
1991N.A.M.E. Gallery, Chicago, IL
1991Happy Delpech Gallery, Chicago, IL


1994Community Arts Assistant Program Grant, Chicago, IL
1992Recognition Award, Around the Coyote, Chicago, IL
1991Artwork Juried Selected for Around the Coyote Logo and Design
1989Faculty Award presented at graduation, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL



2024Addington Gallery, Chicago IL
2022Addington Gallery, Chicago IL
2018Addington Gallery, Chicago, IL
2017Addington Gallery, Chicago, IL
2016Addington Gallery, Chicago IL
2015Addington Gallery, Chicago, IL
2013Addington Gallery, Chicago, IL
2012Addington Gallery, Chicago, IL
2011Addington Gallery, Chicago, IL
2010Addington Gallery, Chicago, IL
2010Green Home Gallery, Chicago, IL
2009Addington Gallery, Chicago, IL
2007Byron Roche Gallery, Chicago, IL
2006Byron Roche Gallery, Chicago, IL
2002Byron Roche Gallery, Chicago, IL
2000IDAO Gallery, Chicago, IL
1999Augen Gallery, Portland, OR
1997Gallery A, Chicago, IL
1996Gallery A, Chicago, IL
1995IDAO Gallery, Chicago, IL
1994Gallery A, Chicago, IL
1993Gallery A, Chicago, IL
1992Urbus Orbis, Chicago, IL
1992Local Option, Chicago, IL
1991Happy Delpech Gallery, Chicago, IL


2025Group show, Addington Gallery, Chicago IL  
2024Group show, Addington Gallery, Chicago IL  
2023Three person show, Addington Gallery, Chicago IL  
2022Group show, Addington Gallery, Chicago IL  
2021Two person show, Addington Gallery, Chicago IL  
2020Group show, Addington Gallery, Chicago IL  
2019Group Show, RiverSea Gallery, Astoria Oregon  
2019Two person show, Addington Gallery, Chicago IL  
2019Art Meets Philanthropy, Chicago, IL  
2019Group Show, Addington Gallery, Chicago, IL  
2018Carteret Contemporary Art Gallery, Group Show, NC  
2018Vison Galery, Group Show, North Carolina  
2018Opening Season Show, Addington Gallery, Chicago IL  
2018Skyborn, 3 Person Show Addington Gallery, Chicago, IL  
2017Small Group Show Addington Gallery, Chicago, IL  
2016Art Meets Philanthropy, Rick Farrell and Sandra Dawson, Chicago, IL  
2015Landscape Show, Addington Gallery, Chicago, IL  
2015Stephen Daiter Gallery, Gimme Shelter, Chicago IL  
2014Hunter Museum of American Art Chattanooga, TN  
2014Material Witness: intimate encaustic and collage, Addington Gallery, Chicago,IL  
2013In a Perfect World, Beverly Arts Center, IL  
2013Hotel Intercontinental, Chicago, IL  
2013Three Queens Gallery, Oak Park IL  
2013Studio Gallery B, Three Oaks MI  
2012Addington Gallery, Chicago IL  
2011SOPA Fine Arts, British Columbia, CANADA  
2010Blue 8 Oak Park Library, Oak Park IL  
2010Rush Hospital print show, Oak Park IL  
2010SOPA Fine Arts, British Columbia, CANADA  
2009Addington Gallery, Chicago, IL  
2009Elaine Erickson Gallery, Milwaukee, WI  
2009Abraham Lincoln Exhibit, The Cliff Dwellers, Chicago, IL  
2009Blue 8+2, Chicago, IL  
2009Artrageous, Oak Park Main Library, Oak Park, IL  
2009Elaine Erickson Gallery, Chicago, IL  
2008Natural Order Aliya Linstrum Gallery, Atlanta, GA  
2008Byron Roche Gallery,Chicago, Il  
2008Blue8t2 Group Show, Oak Park, Il  
2008Abraham Lincoln Exhibit, Oak Park Library, Oak Park Il  
2007Small Wonders, Aliya Linstrum Gallery, Atlanta, GA  
2007Elaine Erickson Gallery, Milwaukee WI  
2007Byron Roche Gallery, Chicago, IL  
2006Aliya Linstrum Gallery, Atlanta, GA  
2006River Breeze Gallery, Aurora IL  
2006Elaine Erickson Gallery, Milwaukee WI  
2006Student and Teacher Exhibition, Oak Park Art League, Oak Park, IL  
2006Remembrance Show, Oak Park, IL  
2006Putting it all Together, The Art of Collage, Hinsdale Arts Center, IL  
2005Absolute Vision Show, Byron Roche Gallery, Chicago, IL  
2005Living Artists Show, Fine Arts Building, Chicago, IL  
2004Art Chicago at Navy Pier, Chicago, IL  
200410-Year Anniversary Show, Byron Roche Gallery, Chicago, IL  
2003Art Chicago at Navy Pier, Chicago, IL  
2003The glory of Books, The Oak Park Public Library, IL  
2003Byron Roche Gallery, Chicago, IL  
2002Art Chicago at Navy Pier, Chicago, IL  
2002Byron Roche Gallery, Chicago, IL  
2001Art Chicago at Navy Pier, Chicago, IL  
2001Around the Coyote IDAO Gallery, Chicago, IL  
2000Bluer, Carrie Secrist Gallery, Chicago, IL  
2000Art Chicago at Navy Pier, San Francisco International Art Expo, CA  
2000Around the Coyote IDAO Gallery, Chicago, IL  
1999Art Chicago at Navy Pier, Chicago, IL  
1999Around the Coyote IDAO Gallery, Chicago, IL  
1999Gallery A, Chicago, IL  
1998Art Chicago at Navy Pier, Chicago, IL  
1998The Back Room Exhibit, Gallery A, Chicago, IL  
1998Anne Reed Gallery, Sun Valley, ID  
1997Around the Coyote, IDAO Gallery, Chicago, IL  
1997Art Chicago at Navy Pier, Chicago, IL  
1997Seattle International Art Exposition, Seattle, WA  
1997Those Who Do, Teach, Marwen Foundation Gallery, Chicago, IL  
1996Around the Coyote, IDAO Gallery, Chicago, IL  
1996Visions of Family: The 13th annual Festival of the Arts, the Fourth Presbyterian Church of Chicago, Chicago, IL  
1996To Each Her Own, Gallery A, Chicago, IL  
1996Olga Dollar Gallery, San Francisco, CA  
1995Poetic Images, Suburban Fine Arts Center, Highland Park, IL  
1995IDAO Gallery, Chicago, IL  
1995Pulp Fiction, Gallery A, Chicago, IL  
1994Transition II: A Look at Progress, Gallery A, Chicago, IL  
1994IDAO Gallery, Chicago, IL  
1993IDAO Gallery, Chicago, IL  
1993Around the Coyote Studio Walk, Chicago, IL  
1993Salon D’Art, Chicago, IL  
1993Gallery A, Chicago, IL  
1992World Tattoo Gallery, Chicago, IL  
1992Gallery A, Chicago, IL  
1992Woman the Creator, IDAO, Chicago, IL  
1992Layaway Show, Flatiron Building, Chicago, IL  
1992Around the Coyote Studio Walk, Chicago, IL  
1992China Club, Chicago, IL  
1992Sexual Politics, Three-two-One Gallery, Chicago, IL  
1991Happy Delpech Gallery, Chicago IL  
1991The Foreign Policy Show, Near Northwest Arts Council, Chicago, IL  
1991Around the Coyote Studio Walk, Chicago, IL  
1991Decade Opener, Urbus Orbis Gallery, Chicago, IL  
1989Dreams, NNWAC, Chicago, IL  
1989Open Walls Exhibit, Gallery 1633, Chicago, IL  
1989Landfall Press Gallery, Chicago, IL  
1989Art Expo, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL  
1989Martyrs, Northside CafE Chicago, IL  


2015Ashley Rooney, Encaustic in the Twenty-First Century (juried artists book)
2013Jason Foumberg, Chicago Magazine, 16 Best Art Shows in Chicago Right Now
2012Ashley Rooney, 100 Artists of the Midwest (juried artists book)
2007Alan Artner, Chicago Tribune, July Gail Leggio, American Arts Quarterly, Summer issue
2006Alan Artner, Chicago Tribune, Jan. 17 Jennifer Olvera, Oak Leaves, Oak Park IL. Jan. issue
2004Katherine Rook Lieber, Artscope, June review Ivy Sundell, Living Artists Book, (juried selection of artists and their Art).
2002Jennifer Berg, Oak Leaves, Oak Park, IL. Nov. issue The Chicago Collection, Fall, Winter issue
1998Artwork chosen for cover of Fish Stories, Collective IV, Chicago, IL
1997New American Paintings (juried exhibitions in print), August issue Barbara Buchholz, Chicago Tribune, Aug. 8
1996Barbara Bucholz, Chicago Tribune, Jan. 19
1995Fred Camper, “Between Chaos and OrderE Chicago Reader, Dec. 8
1992Chris Vartanian, “Around the Coyote: Eclectic Arts Festival to Draw 15,000 Visitors to Wicker Park Bucktown Chicago Sun Times, Sep. 13
1991Logo for Around the Coyote Organization



Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding commissions or paintings.For Giclee Prints and Canvas Click on: Fine Art AmericaTo Visit my Facebook Page: FacebookContact E-mail:


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